Annette M. N. Ferguson
Current Postdoc and Student Collaborators​
Patricio Correa Amaro (PhD student)
Chiara Crociati (Postdoc)
Alexander Gordon (PhD student)
Jess Howell (PhD student)
Gracie McGill (PhD student)
Conor Nally (PhD student)
Previous Group Members
Mike Barker (Space Scientist)
Edouard Bernard (Industry)
Sarah Buehler (Medical Physics)
Denija Crnojevic (Assistant Professor, University of Tampa)
Oscar Gonzalez (Staff Scientist, UK ATC)
Avon Huxor (Lecturer, University of Exeter)
Pete Kuzma (JSPS Fellow @ NAOJ)
Dougal Mackey (Industry)
Noelia Noel (Senior Lecturer, University of Surrey)
Jenny Richardson (Medical Physics)
Anna Lisa Varri (UKRI FLF and Reader, University of Edinburgh)
Jovan Veljanoski (Data Science)
Rokas Žemaitis (IT, University of Edinburgh)
Previous Project Students
David Behrendt (MPhys Project)
Cristina Cortes Salas (SH Project)
Charles Finn (MPhys Project)
Naomi Galinski (MPhys Project)
Laura Hangard (internship)
Keith Hardie (SH Project)
Kirit Hyland (SH Project)
Aron Krausz (MPhys Project)
Elle Leslie (SH Project)
Gracie McGill (MPhys Project)
Peter McLagan (SH Project)
Conor Nally (MPhys Project)
David Nisbet (SH Project)
Maria Nita (SH Project)
Keith Palin (SH Project)
Gavin Prior (SH Project)
Cameron Robertson (SH and MPhys Projects)
Liam Robertson (SH Project)
Graham Shaw (SH Project)
Jack Smith (SH Project)
Miron Srebrakowski (MPhys Project)
Chin Yi Tan (SH Project)
Sheona Urquhart (MPhys Project)
Mike Walmsley (MPhys Project)
Rokas Žemaitis (SH and MPhys Projects)